Our Rates

Anna Robinson MD

Initial Evaluation (60 minutes): $400
45 minute follow-up $250
20 minute follow-up $175

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Other Professional Writing

Other professional services (report writing, consultations, phone calls greater that 5 minutes) are prorated at $300 per hour, for all providers.

Paperwork such as school or insurance forms must be completed during a scheduled session with the expectation that the client has filled out his or her portions before the visit. Our practice reserves the right to evaluate whether we are the appropriate clinical resource for these requests and refer accordingly.


  • Austin Women’s Care is mostly a fee-for-service practice. We are accepting a limited amount of Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and Ascension/Seton Healthcare plan.*

  • Austin Women’s Care accepts checks, cash, credit cards, health care savings cards, and debit cards. Payment is due at the time of service.

  • Our office will provide a receipt so that you can submit to your insurance for out-of-network visits

*We understand that insurance can be confusing. If you are BlueCross Blue Shield or Ascension/Seton Healthcare patient, we will submit the claim to your insurance company.
We are not a contracted provider with any other insurance plans and we do not bill other insurances directly.
Patients are responsible for knowing their coverage and making sure their insurance has not lapsed.
Whatever insurance does not pay for the visit (i.e., copays, deductibles, inactive insurance policies, policy exclusions for mental health, and HMO plans), patients are responsible for the remaining balance.